#383: 36L Aquatic Garden Schaza

Nemeth Patrik Szombathely, Hungary


A pleasant scape that shows off the chosen livestock well. I think a bit more polish would allow this aquascape to score more highly - hiding the straight cut edges of the wood and better management of front substrate area.
— Dennis Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 27 × 30 cm
Title Schaza
Volume 36L
Background Opalfolie
Lighting Ada Aquasky 451
Filtration Jbl 401
Plants Eleocharis Parvula,Marsilea Crenata,Hygrophila pinnatifida,Riccardia Chamedryfolia ,Bucephalandra sp,Echinodorus tenellus,Plagiochilaceae sp Camerroon,Rotala sp Green,Anubias nana Petit,Hemianthus callitrichoides,Marsilea hirsuta,Eleocharis parvula mini,Fontinalis antipyretica,Rotala sp grün,Micranthemum sp Monte Carlo-3,Staurogyne repens,Fissidens fontanus,Microsorum pteropus 'Trident'
Animals Crossocheilus siamensis,Otocinclus affinis,Boraras urophthalmoides
Materials Ada Yamaya stone,Opnova wood

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