Dimensions 90 × 50 × 44 cm
Volume 198L
Background Wall painted with sky color and a transparemnt plastic sheet
Lighting 2x HQI lamp of 70W, 6500K color
Filtration FLUVAL 406
Plants Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba' ,
Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo',
Rotala Rotundifolia ,
Bucepahlandras variety,
Ceratopteris Siliquosa,
Criptocoryne parva ,
Criptocoryne Petchii,
Hydrocotile tripartida ,
Eleocharis parvula,
Anubias pangolino,
Anubias barteri nana
Animals 20x Rasbora Espei
Materials Slate river rocks
Briar wood
Additional Information I just wanted to transmit the same pacefull and relaxing atmosphere that Grygoriy Polishchuk tramsited with his painting “ BIOTOPE AMANO”, I found this picture full of expression of a nature view with a nice structure and depth to be done in an aquarium. The painting is a picture of the garden done by Takashi Amano San in his home at Niigata.
The pond efect is done using a piece of mirror.