#629: 96L Biotope Aquascape Black water of Lingga island Indonesia

Mounichy Gabriel Poucharramet, France

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 40 × 30 cm
Title Black water of Lingga island Indonesia
Volume 96L
Background Background is a black sticker
Lighting One fluorescent neon 24 w
Two LEDs lights 15 w each
Filtration Hanging filter 200L/hour
Plants Cryptocoryne Cordata to replace C. Yurithiae which I could not find
Riccia Fluitans just grew by it self on the wood so I left some of it
Animals 13 Boraras Maculatus
5 Desmopuntius Pentazona
Materials Substrate is made with fine sand and peat with dry leaves,
Decoration is made with Asia wood and some driftwood and some volcanic stones
Additional Information Temperature is 27 degrees Celcius, Ph is 6.7
I used Cryptocoryne Cordata to replace C.Yurithiae as I couldn't find it at all
i also had some problems with algae and riccia growing on the wood anyways I left some by purpose to make a more natural look.
I couldn't get a picture of the group of fish as they were hiding at the time of shooting the photos.

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