#690: 86L Aquatic Garden True Fate

Mark P. Advincula Quezon City, Philippines


The shadowed areas in this aquascape contrast well with the moss highlights on the wood work giving a sense of multi-dimensions to the aquascape. The layout is not overly fussy and cluttered and allows the viewer to focus on the wood work and mosses used.
— Dennis Wong
This is a nice scape but the lava rock and the different colored substrates against the front glass are distracting.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 36 × 40 cm
Title True Fate
Volume 86L
Background white board
Lighting LED
Filtration External Canister
Plants coral moss, java moss bucephalandra sp
Animals Neon Dwarf Rainbow Fish
Materials volcanic rocks, coffee tree drift wood, white sand, aquatic soil substrate

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