#713: 284L Dutch Aquascape Upstream Color

Joe Harvey Athens, United States

Awards and Comments

Third Place
Calm looking aquascaping. Would score even higher with stronger plant groups. Not all plants are named and numbered.
— Marco Aukes
Pretty nice flow but too much reliance on red (and reddish) plants and a LOT of species. Consider replacing these with some larger flowy groupings of contrasting green plants.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 122 × 46 × 56 cm
Title Upstream Color
Volume 284L
Background Plastic mesh base, Christmas moss, Bucephalandra sp
Lighting 4 x 54w T5HO
Filtration Two lg canisters
Plants 1. Limnophila chinesis, 2. Hyptis lorentziana, 3. Helanthium bolivianum Angustifolia, 4. Ludwigia sp red, 5. Ludwigia polycarpa, 6. Pogostemon kimberly, 7. Hygrophila siamesis 53B, 8. Hemianthus Callitrichoides Cuba, 9. Lagenandra meeboldii red round, 10. Limnophila indica, 11. Acmella repens, 12. Blyxa japonica, 13. Cabomba furcata, 14. Nymphoides hydrophylla Taiwan
Animals 19 Harlequin rasbora, 14 Neon Tetra, 6 Cherry Barb, 5 Albino Corydora, 50-ish Pink Ramshorn snails
Materials Manzanita covered with Fissidens Fox
Additional Information DIY Ferts, Tap water, Pressurized CO2, 60% weekly water changes

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