Dimensions 130 × 50 × 48 cm
Volume 312L
Background none
Lighting 2 t8 Philips LED tube 6500K 18 watts, 2 LEDs 30 watts 10000K, 1 LED 20 watts Full spectrum pink
Filtration 1 Canister Marina CF80
1 Surface skimmer
Plants Cyperus Helferi, Cryptocoryne Undullata, Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Geccko, Cryptocoryne Wendtii Brown, Microsorum Windelov, Microsorum Java Mini, Microsorum Narrow, Anubia Nana, Anubia nana Golden, Anubia Nana Petite, Anubia Coffeffolia, Anubia Coin Leaf, Taiwan Moss, Riccia Fluitans, Ranunculus Inundatus, Hydrocotile Verticillata, Marsilea Hirsuta, Nymphaea lotus red, Eleocharis Montevidensis, Alternanthera Reineckii, Rotala Rotundifolia, Hygrophila Polysperma, Ludwigia Rubins, Ammania Gracilis, Bucephalandras sp., Helanthium Quadricostatus and Lysimachia nummularia.
Animals Fish: Tetra Neon, Tetra hemigrammus bleheri, Platys, Xipho fish, Cebra fish, Barbus tetrazona, angel fish, betta splendens, corydora panda, ottocinclus and Crossocheilus Siamensis
Invertebrate: Nerita Snail and Planorbis
Materials Substrate compose of peat, clay, arlite, bacter 100 and clear super. Decorative small gravel.
Decoration: River Stones, volcanic rocks and Driftwood
Additional Information This tank was inspired of the Mantaro river in the highlands of Perú where you can find beautiful vegetation and landscapes.
Fertilization: NPK and micronutrients every day
CO2: 3 bubbles per second
Temperature: 23 degrees
Flow rate: 1300l/h