#106: 300L Aquatic Garden Tropical Rainforest

I Putu Bayu Yatha Loka Bali, Indonesia


Interesting layout but take care with some artificial procedures like just using the Rotala's tips in the substrate. Everybody knows that it was placed there just for the picture.
The mosses pruning could be better at the same time that the proportions of some driftwood could be improved.
But even that it is a very good aquascape should be among the best.
— Andre Longarco
It seems the artist's intention to depict a tropical rainforest has been successfully achieved. The composition is stable and the details in the aquatic plants are impressive. Personally I wonder how it would have looked if the moss quantity was reduced and the texture of the driftwood was further emphasized. However even in its current form it's already quite beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful artwork.
— Cho Jaesun

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Tropical Rainforest
Volume 300L
Background Pumice
Lighting 2X Chihiros WRGB 2 120cm
Filtration 2X Atman A3339S
Plants Hair grash, wepping moss, Rotalla HRA, Rotalla Orange juice, Pogestemon erectus, Eriocaulon sp. Vietnam, Pinativida, flame moss, Myprophilum aquaticum, Bucephalandra mini coin.
Animals 15 Cardinal tetras.
Materials Master Soil, Lavarock, Arabica fossil wood, Rasamala roots, Senggani Roots, Thia sand, Yamaya sand.
Additional Information I done this work becouse of inspired by the rainforest in Kalimantan, Indonesia wich i really want to visit.

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