#119: 73.5L Aquatic Garden Sunrise Forest

Arzu Songur İstanbul, Turkey

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 35 × 35 cm
Title Sunrise Forest
Volume 73.5L
Background Frosted glass
Lighting Daily 9 hours of illumination (chihiros wrgb 2 )
Filtration Eheim pro 250
Plants Rotala H'ra
Rotala Green
Hygrophila Pinnatifita
Eleocharis Parvula mini
Mini pelia moss
Fissidens moss
Weeping moss
Bucephalandra Velvet
Bucephalandra brownie blue
Bucephalandra kedagang
Bucephalandra brownie phantom mini
Anibuas nana petite
Animals Green neon tetra, Bloody mary shrimp
Materials Tropica powder soil
Creaqua beige aquarium sand
Flame wood
Moon stone black
Additional Information - fertilization
"Weekly regular maintenance, changing the water twice a week."
"21 ml of macro and 21 ml of micro fertilizer per week."
"2 ml of Seachem Excel daily."
"5 ml of Seachem Excel with each water change."
"AF mineral salt with each water change."
"Osmoz water"

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