Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Eternity
Volume 243L
Background white paper behind
Lighting Maxpect Pro Razor 175W
Filtration 1 Filter JBL Cristal Profi
Plants Hydrocotyle tripartita mini
Micranthemum Sp Montecarlo
Hemiathus callitrichoides Cuba
Higrophila Pinnatifida
Rotala Wayanad
Hottonia palustris
Callitriche Sp
Limnophila sp vietnam
Rotala sp nanjenshan
Rotala Sp vietnam
Rotala Sp H’ra
Ludwigia sp red mini
Marsilea hirsuta
Blyxa japonica
Phyllanthus fluitans
Sagittaria subulata
Eleocharis Japan
Anubia nana petite
Riccardia moss
Fissidens moss
Pogostemon stellatus
Bucephalandra Aragon
Echinodorus tenellus Amano
Animals 30 Hemigrammus Rhodostomus
Materials Substrate ADA Amazônia
ADA Aquagravel
ADA Colorado Sand
Additional Information fertilization Seachem Flourish every day
change water 2 times per week
I try to improve every year...always doing more challenging work
I try to improve every year...always doing more challenging work
I've been in aquascaping for a few years, and I believe this was my best work.
Thank's my team,my family and God.
Very good lateral reflections good spatial awareness and perfect shadows!
Very healthy and well-positioned plants which only demand attention when they are artificially placed in rock crevices sometimes obvious and unnatural.
Another factor that can be considered is the scale of the hardscape in proportion to the size of the display which in my opinion is cramped. Who knows in a 150cm or 180cm tank this hardscape would fit like a glove?
A last suggestion would be in this case the total closure of the horizon by the Rotalas. The opening and luminosity in the upper left portion competes drastically with the focal point which is located in the opening beneath the rocks.
In conclusion a lot of technique detail and soul in this artwork.
My sincere congratulations you have skills!