Dimensions 90 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Ancient rock valley
Volume 220L
Lighting Custom made light with an array of leds
Filtration Fluval 206 canister + Custom made external filter
Plants -Fissidens fontanus
-Flame moss
-Taxiphyllum alternans 'Taiwan Moss'
-Vesicularia montagnei 'Christmas Moss'
-Riccardia chamedryfolia
-Anubia Barteri Nana
-Anubia Barteri Nana Petit
-Ludwigia glandulosa red
-Rotala green
-Rotala H'Ra
-Rotala rotundifolia
-Cabomba aquatica
-Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
-Eleocharis parvula
-Glossostigma elatinoides
-Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
-Micranthemum montecarlo
-Hydrocotyle verticillata
-Crepidomanes Fern
Animals -Neon tetra
-Cardinal tetra
-Ruby tetra
-ghost shrimp, wild shrimps
Materials Substrate: Brightwell Aquatics - Rio Escuro-F
Hardscape: Focilized wood rocks
Additional Information One of the objectives that I want to achieve with this scape was not to use living wood, to achieve it without losing the organic nature of the landscape, purely focilized wood rocks were used instead.