#199: 359.9L Aquatic Garden broke bone

Naihn arredondo arciga tijuana, Mexico


Creating desired shapes from volcanic rock can be quite challenging. However this artwork has been exceptionally well-sculpted utilizing aquatic plants skillfully to bring forth this magnificent piece. It would have been perfect if the rock surfaces were maintained free of algae. Nonetheless thank you for this wonderful piece of art.
— Cho Jaesun

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title broke bone
Volume 359.9L
Lighting 2 pz vivid 2
Filtration fluval f4 and boyu efu45
Plants hemianthus micranthemoides
hemianthus callitrichoides (cuba)
rotala green
rotala hra
rotala rotundifolia
microsorum pteropus (trident)
utricularia graminifolia
Hemianthus/Micranthemum (Montecarlo)
Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei)
nasaea triflora
limnophila aromatica mini
Animals 100 trigonostigma heteromorpha
Materials aqua soil substrate and lava rock

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