Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title bloom
Volume 64.8L
Background no
Lighting twinstar light
Filtration QQ1000
Plants Micranthemum 'montecarlo' Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' Straugyne repens Pogostemon helferi Cryptocoryne parva Bucephalandra Hygrophila pinnatifida Rotala green Rotala `yellow` indonesia Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' Ludwigia ovalis
Animals Hyphessobrycon amandae
Materials blue dragon stone
Additional Information
I wanted to express the scent of the spring hill.
I liked the proportion of the layout and the dynamism of the hardscape with shadows well valued and at the right point!
The Rotalas bushes are beautiful the carpet is very healthy however I missed more plants in the intermediate plane. More Pogostemons or Staurogynes would add more dynamism and perspective to the layout. The proportion of Pinnatifida leaves are a little big but nothing that discredits this work!