#274: 250L Aquatic Garden Autumn in the Mysterious Valley

Luiz André Lemos de Oliveira Junior Resende, Brazil


Very colorful and powerful work.
Contrasts shadows and intense colors in the stem plants define this Brazilian style.
However it is a simple job in terms of layers. You can see the front layer the carpet the rock layer (hardscape) and the background with the stem plants.
The use of medium-sized plants among the rocks and in the middleground would improve this condition.
Congrats and keep it up.
— Andre Longarco

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Autumn in the Mysterious Valley
Volume 250L
Background Vinil branco
Lighting Maxspect Razor F 175 w (7.500k) fotoperíodo : início 10:00 as 19:00hs co2 início 10:00 as 19:00hs
Filtration 2 canister Eheim clássico 2217 600 a1000 lh, mídia biológica substrato pro Eheim e mídia filtrante biomech Eheim.
Plants Rotala H`ra , Rotala Green, Rotala sp Franscisco, Rotala Nanjenshan, Rotala rotundifolia, limnophila Vietnam, ludwigia red ,micranthemum Monte Carlo, Eleocharsis minima, marsilea angustifolia, Hygrophia pinnatifida ,Bucephalandra sp (neo Amanda) anubia nana petite
Animals 60 Tetra Neon Verde (Paracheirodon simulans)
Materials ADA Nature aquarium aquasoil amazonia, Power sand adwance M, La Plata sand e aqua gravel e Ryuoh Stone
Additional Information Manutenção : tpa 2 vezes na semana limpeza diária nas rochas , fertilização diária linha completa aquavitro poda feita a cada 10 dias e a última poda feita uma semana antes da fotografia final.

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