#288: 9L Riparium Resilience

Iara Parisi Buenos Aires, Argentina

Awards and Comments

Top Five
While the triangle composition is simple and low-profile there is still a lot of dynamic range in height and texture within the plants. Even with the mature plant growth you've kept a pleasing amount of the hardscape exposed.

I think that the dynamic range of the hardscape could be pushed even further with some smaller stones and pebbles in the foreground. I also think the Myriophyllum in the center could be a little less um central. That taller plant could become a lovely counter balance to the the wood on the left if moved slightly to the right. Lastly the stone closest to the glass in the front becomes a focal point because of how flat and rectangular it is. A shorter stone there might allow the eye to move more freely into the layout.
— Ryan Noel
Love the mix of mosses and plants including pop of red color. Flowering is a good sign of high plant health! Good shoreline emphasis and balance of water and above water areas
— Jo Ann Fujii
This is a really beautiful crisp clean display! I could wish to see some plants besides just the moss in the water area but that is not a strict requirement for this category.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 5 cm
Title Resilience
Volume 9L
Lighting Twinstar 600 E - RGB Led
Filtration No filtration - Water changes once a week
Plants Utricularia graminifolia
Ludwigia red
Ludwigia rubin
Ludwigia arcuata
Marsilea crenata
Bacopa monieri
Rotala pink
Hemianthus callitrichoides (cuba)
Christmass moss
Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Helecho Pteris sp.
Animals no animals
Materials Substrate: Eco-complete substrate and Sand
Additional Information The scape is now 2 years and a half old since set up.
No fertilization during the year. Only foliar ferts in spring and summer, once per 15 days (only if I see any nutrients defficit)

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