#460: 300L Aquatic Garden CENOTE

Rennier Recio Katigbak San Pascual, Batangas, Philippines

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
This kind of diorama work is impressive.
I am particularly excited when I receive the image of only the hardscape work without plants!!!
This work has very obvious and delimited lines of force that accentuate the line of perspective.
There's no need to talk about the shadows with a lot of personality and strength.
The only point I would highlight is the monotony issue due to monochromism. It seems like everything is the same shade of green.
In any case congratulations what a wonderful job!
— Andre Longarco
The expression of the 'CENOTE' concept in this artwork seems highly successful. The CENOTE concept represents a layout that many aquascapers aspire to replicate and this piece will likely serve as a valuable reference for them. I've contemplated whether more or fewer of the pointed formations directed downwards might enhance the depiction but the current representation already looks impressive enough. Thank you for this wonderful artwork and congratulations.
— Cho Jaesun

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Volume 300L
Background white paper
Lighting RGB 120Watts x 2
Filtration External filter (1200L/H x 2)
Plants Fissidens fontanus,
Hemianthus callitrichoides,
Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo',
Mayaca fluviatilis,
Riccardia chamedryfolia,
Riccia fluitans,
Anubias barteri 'Petite',
Hydrocotyle Tripartita,
Ludwigia Repens,
Vesicularia Montagnei,
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis,
Eriocaulon cinereum,
Ludwigia sphaerocarpa,
Bolbitis heudelotii
Animals Hyphessobrycon innesi
Materials pumice stone, wood slices and tree barks
Additional Information I used APT complete and APT Water Conditioner throughout the production of this layout

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