#570: 123.1L Aquatic Garden Introduction

Pranab Chakraborty Kolkata, India


You have a good start here but you need to let it grow in MUCH more before it is ready to enter into a contest!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 36 × 38 cm
Title Introduction
Volume 123.1L
Background Transparent
Lighting 6500 Kalvin Light
Filtration Canister Filter(1400 Liter/Hour)
Plants micranthemum monte carlo
styurogen repens
hygrophila pinnatifida
marsilea hirsuta
rotala rotundifolia
eleocharis parvula
echinodorus tenellus
Materials River Sand
Dragon/Ohko Stone
ADA Amazonia Aquasoil
Additional Information I took Inspiration from Mountains to create this aquascape.

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