Dimensions 60 × 40 × 30 cm
Title Announces If The Storm
Volume 72L
Lighting Led
Filtration Filtro Canister
Plants Rotala "BSD", Rotala "h`ra", Staurogyne repens, Anubia nana "petit", Hygrophyla "pinnatifida", Limnophyla "vietnã", Callitriche, Hemianthus "callitrichoides", Microssorum "narrow leaf", Microssorum "golia", Pogostemon "helferi", Bucephalandra sp., Lobelia 'small form", Echinodorus "tenellus", Eleocharis "minima", Potamogeton "gayi", Fissidens "fontanus" e Christmas moss.
Animals Hemigrammus sp., e Tanichthys Albonubes.
Materials Dragon Stone
Good hardscape work with good shadows and a good sense of depth. However the positioning is very centralized dividing the aquarium into two very equal parts. A 3:2 ratio would be very welcome in this case especially when dealing with a 60cm aquarium. This way the work would gain much more harmony and dynamism.
Beautiful choice of plants very healthy by the way with just one caveat regarding the density of the Rotalas.
I liked the work on the reflections and especially the general appearance of the aquarium!
Congratulations I would have one of these in my office!