Dimensions 50 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Through The Forest
Volume 45L
Background white background
Lighting White Led 24w
Filtration Sunsun HBL 802
Plants Taxiphyllum alternans 'Taiwan'; Pilotrichaceae sp. 'pilo moss'; Fissidens splachnobryoides; Bucephalandra; Anubias barteri petie; Microsorum pteropus ‘Trident’.
Animals Boraras urophthalmoides
Materials ADA aqua soil, Rock and wood from Viet nam.
Additional Information The idea of a forest with waterfalls and streams creates a flow from above, carrying large tree trunks stuck downstream.
Despite looking like a ravine work is needed on the empty spaces decompression zones light and shadow and accentuate the lines of force.
Excellent work with good natural atmosphere but cramped.