Dimensions 70 × 35 × 40 cm
Title Nature Unleashed
Volume 98L
Background backlit opaque background
Lighting 2 chihiros A601 and 1 Dophin 1090 rgb
Filtration Fluval 207 + Sunsun hw 603b
Plants "Banana plant" (Nymphoides aquatica), Aponogeton crispus red, green and "red x green", Bucephalandras sp, Vallisneria tortifolia, Echinodorus angustifolia, Rotalas rotundifolia "red blood", Rotala sp, Cryptocoryne affinis, Cryptocoryne becketti, Cryptocoryne xwiillssi, Cryptocoryne sp, Micranthemum tweediei, Potamogeton gayi, Ricardia chamedrifolia, Vesicularia dubyana, "Flame moss" (Taxiphyllum sp), Fissidens fontanus, Anubias barteri var "nana" and "nana Pangolino", Staurogyne sp "Bihar"
Animals 7 tetra federal (Aphyocharax rathbuni)
Materials Rocks and woods recolected by myself
Additional Information substrate based in mix of clay-peat-humus and gravel, changes of water 40-50% weekly, automatic fertilization with peristaltic pumps, presurized co2