Dimensions 183 × 76 × 91 cm
Title Malawi Slope
Volume 1274L
Background black paint
Lighting 1-6-foot VHO fluorescent fixture with 2-110 watt bulbs
1-Halide pendant w/175-watt bulb.
Filtration wet/dry + Eheim 2260 canister.
Animals Yellow Labidochromis, Cobalt Blue, Yellow-top Kimpuma, Hap. moorii, Deep Water Haps, Demasoni, Aulonocara species (Peacocks).
Materials Green/Blue slate, Aragonite sand.
as I do! Please rearrange the small foreground stones. Otherwise very well done!
But as attractive as the tank is I think it doesn't capture the look and feel of an actual part of Lake Malawi. The bright white aragonite sand looks more like a salt water reef than an African lake.