Dimensions 122 × 61 × 61 cm
Title Discus Heaven
Volume 454L
Background adhesive black plastic
Lighting 2-250W MH (5500K)
Filtration Eheim 2228 (main filter)
Eheim 2226 (secondary filter connected to Dupla 400 CO2 reactor)
Plants 1. Anubias barteri var. nana
2. Anubias barteri v ''coffeefolia''
3. Echinodorus x 'Rubin' (Red Rubin)
4. Ech. cordifolius v 'Tropica Marble Queen'
5. Ech. tenellus (narrow leaf chain sword)
6. Echinodorus x 'Ozelot'
7. Echniodorus parviflorus 'Tropica
8. Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' "bronze"
9. Cryptocoryne wendtii ''red''
10. Cryptocoryne spiralis
11. Cryptocoryne walkeri var. lutea
12. Cryptocoryne blassi
13. Microsorum pteropus
14. Microsorum pteropus 'Windel
Animals 1. Green Fire tetras
2. Red Phantom Tetras
3. Cardinal Tetras
4. Rummynose tetras
5. Dwarf pencilfish
6. Beckford pencilfish
7. Brown Mandari Discus
8. Wild Peruvian angels
9. Nannacara anomala
10. Apisto borellii
11. Corydoras melanistius melanistius
12. Corydorus julii
13. Otocinclus sp.
14. Siamese Algae Eaters
15. Paraotocinclus
16. Silver Hatchetfish
Materials Substrate: potting soil, laterite (Dupla G), Terralit, and aquatic soil, blasting sand, and grain sand
Other: Pond rocks and driftwood
Additional Information 5lb CO2 unit connected to the light timer
fertilize with Tropica Mastergrow (50mL) per week after a water change.
fertilize with DuplaPlant 24 on a daily basis (10 drops)
fertilize with jobe plant sticks (for ferns and palms) around the swords when needed
The layout of the tank doesn't flow very well for me. The plants seem somewhat squeezed in around the large Echinodorus on each side. Additionally the numerous large plants make the tank look dark. However it might just appear dark in the photos.