#92: 378L Aquatic Garden

Ron Barter Perth, Canada


This is a very interesting and well-composed aquascape with great use of open space.. Aquascapes with crypts like these requires patience and forethought. Some of the photos have a yellowish cast that probably isn't the true color of the aquarium. The glossostigma foreground could use a little more time to thicken up. C. calamistratum and C. crispatula near the front detract slightly from the scene.
— Roger Miller
Cover big part of driftwood with more Crypts Java fern or Java moss. Probably plant a few more C.balansae to the left of tank.
— Detlef Hupfeld
What an amazing piece of driftwood! The plants are arranged in a way that really compliments and enhances the wood.
— Chuck Gadd

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 152 × 46 × 61 cm
Volume 378L
Lighting 4 - 55 watt pc fluorescent
Filtration Rainbow Lifegard pleated cartridge, Mag drive 1200 pump
Plants Crinum calamistratum, Cryptocoryne affinis, C. beckettii, C. crispatulata, C. pontederiifolia, C. walkeri, C. wendtii, C. x willisii, C. undulata, Echinodorus tennellus, Glossostigma elatinoides, Hemianthus micranthamoides, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Hygrophila corymbosa "compact", Microsorum pteropus, M. pteropus "windelov", Vesicularia dubyana
Animals Ancistrus deolichopterus, Barbus titteya, Bedotia geayi, Botia macracanthus, B. striata, Corydoras trilineatus, Crossocheilus siamensis, Melanotaenia boesemani, M. trifasciata "Goyder River", Otocinclus affinis, Trichogaster leeri
Materials 1 large piece of driftwood, natural 2mm quartz gravel, granite
Additional Information Tank runs on laterite in substrate, CO2, PMDD and generous amounts of food.
This is the third year this aquarium has been running, with many of the fish in the tank since it was set up. I am slowly narrowing down the number of species of plants, hopefully providing a more cohesive, less chaotic appearance , and allowing better use of the strong diagonal of the driftwood and the (hard to maintain!) open spaces. As I have eliminated many of the faster growing species of plants, I've enjoyed the added benefit of less maintenance.

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