Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm
Volume 775L
Plants 1. Eusteralis stellata, 2. Anubias barteri, 3. Bacopa carolina, 4. Rotala macrandra, 5. Cryptocoryne balansae, 6. Nymphaea maculata, 7. Ludwigia repens, 8. Amania gracilis, 9. Hygrophila (giant), 10. Ludwigia glandulosa, 11. Lobelia cardinalis, 12. Hemianthus micranthemoides
Animals 18 Congo tetras, 75 neon tetras, 8 siamese algae eaters, 4 dwarf gouramis,
Additional Information This tank has matured over 1 year. During this time I have concentrated on aquascaping and grouping plants in order to maximize the imact of the colors and textures. My vision is to create the effect of an English Flower garden. The URI AquaSun bulbs contribute significantly to this effect by bringing out the reds. One note: This tank has a high flow rate. I attribute the success of the E. stellata to this.