#151: 284L Aquatic Garden

Raymond Choi East Lansing, United States


Your plants look vibrant and healthy but Bolbitis has become so large that it plus its shadow totally dominate the tank. Take some of it out and allow some of your other plants to grow more.
— Karen Randall
A very nice aquarium which could be much more beautiful if only a few small steps were taken to clean things up. The Lilaeopsis needs to be pruned off the front glass pane so that the unsightly roots are invisible. Also the tuft of red stem plants in the front makes a poor focal point and adds little to the overall display.
— Carlos Sanchez

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 122 × 56 × 46 cm
Volume 284L
Lighting Power Compact 4 x 60W
Filtration Eheim Professional canister
Plants Rotala indica

Wendtii v. Gree

Wendtii v. Brown

Didiplis diandra

Vesicularia dubyana

Ludwigia arcuata

Ludwigia peruensis

Rotala macrandra

Rotala wallichii

Bolbitus heudelotii

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Riccia flutans

Dwarf Subulata

Eusteralis stellata
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi

Hemigrammus bleheri

Nematobrycon palmeri

Caridina japonica
Materials Eco-complete substrate

Malaysian driftwood
Additional Information Pressurized CO2 diffuser on timer, weekly dosing PMMD,
weekly water change

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