Dimensions 140 × 65 × 57 cm
Volume 520L
Background Black
Lighting 4x54watt T5 Osram 860. 6000K
Filtration DIY. Sump -volume 120l
Plants -Cryptocoryne undulata broad leaves
-Cryptocoryne wendtii green
-Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
-Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae
-Hygrofila corymbosa 53B
-Hygrofila polysperma ceylon
-Taiwan moss
-Fontinalis antiperetica
-Echinodorus tenellus
-Microzorium pteropus
-Microzorium pteropus narrow leaves
-Cypherus helferi
-Bolbitis heudelotii
Animals -Corydoras hastatus
-Paracheirodon axelrodi
-Gasteropelecus sternicla
-Ottocinclus affinis
-Carina japonica
-Neocaridina denticulata sinensis
-Corydoras panda
Materials -JBL AquaBasis PLus + 4mm gravel
Additional Information Tropica Master Grow 30ml per week.
Just one comment opening is the right section could I think be more open to create a much deeper look; this and keeping the tall plants in the back not allowing them to reach the front.
Very nice!