Dimensions 183 × 46 × 61 cm
Title Riverfeel 1
Volume 510L
Background Black Paint
Lighting 4- 55 watt power compact fluorescent, 4- 30 watt standard fluorescent, all 6700K
Filtration Eheim 2260 canister
Plants Sagitaria subulata "dwarf", Cryptocoryne Lutea, Anubias coffeeafolia, Aponogeton rigifolia, Cyperus helferi
Animals Rummy nose tetra, Praecox Rainbow, Cardinia japonica, Otocinculus, Nerite sp. snail
Materials ADA Tourmaline BC, Penac W, Penac P, ADA Power Sand "Special" L, ADA Aqua Soil "Amazonia" normal type, ADA Bright Sand, Texas "fossil" rock, driftwood
The only negative comment is the 4 groups of Cypherus helferii I wish there was 3 perhaps one much more dense than the other 2.