Dimensions 65 × 27 × 40 cm
Title The Forgotten Recess
Volume 70L
Background lighted white cart.
Lighting 2 x 18W T8 + 2 x 20W E27
Filtration powerhead Atman AT-F 102 in cell (DIY overflow)
Plants 1.Anubias barteri var. nana; 2.Blyxa japonica; 3.Cryptocoryne wendtii "Green Gecko"; 4.Hydrocotyle leucocephala; 5.Microsorum pteropus; 6.Riccia fluitans; 7.Vesicularia dubyana
Animals Ancistrus dolichopterus(2); Rasbora heteromorpha(7); Crossocheilus siamensis(2) and various small snails
Materials black gravel, accent - river sand, rocks, wood
Additional Information Substrate: soil, clay, black gravel; CO2: DIY system (Natural fermentation); Fertilizing daily: white "Crystalon", Fe 2+, K2SO4; KH=11, pH=6.8-7, t=24°C
The Cryptocorine where planted in the back using them as back ground making the tank look much deepr than what really is. Also the use os H leucocephala is actullay very good! I don't get to see an aquascape with this plant looking this good.
The 2 section are well done and perhaps the use of some plants could just be avoid when they don't complement the layout by this I mean the Blyxa and the Anubias; I can hardly see them.