#15: 325L Aquatic Garden First Love

Y.Tunc Sonmezoglu Istanbul, Turkey


Bright vibrant growth in groupings big enough to make a real statement. The layout could be improved however by incorporating some diagonal lines and a stronger focal point. The red plants serve but weakly. I'd also like to se you trim the R. macrandra so that it is bushier. That way we woudln't see the stemmy part just above the Nymphaea.
— Karen Randall
The layout is good keep an eye on both sides of the tank it appears to be a 2 section design but I could be wrong since is not consistent. observe your plants and how fast they grow so your planting will be more eficient.
Plants and fish seem to be happy.
— Luis Navarro
A really good layout which I think could become even better if a more open space was allocated in the place of Aponogeton Rotala and Nymphaea...
— Ole Pedersen

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 145 × 45 × 50 cm
Title First Love
Volume 325L
Background Natural tree bark
Lighting 8X36 Watt T8 Fluorescent
Filtration Eheim 2217 Plus
Plants 1. Limnophila aquatica
2. Echinodorus quadricostatus
3. Hydrocotyle leucocephala
4. Cryptocoryne crispatula
5. Cryptocoryne wendtii
6. Microsorum pteropus
7. Crinum natans
8. Aponogeton henkelianus
9. Rotala macrandra
10. Nymphaea lotus var. rubra
11. Rotala rotundifolia
12. Microsorum pteropus ‘windelov’
13. Riccia fluitans
14. Vesicularia dubyana
15. Glossostigma elatinoides
Animals 4 Symphysodon discus,6 Crossocheilus siamensis ,12 Otocinclus sp, 4 ghost shrimp
Materials 1 piece of wood with Vesicularia dubyana, Riccia fluitans, Microsorum pteropus ‘windelov’ rooted on
Additional Information CO2 pressure controlled by pH changes. Micro and macro elements(DIY) added 3 times weekly, Mono Potassium Phosphate, Ptassium Nitrate, Fe-EDTA.Potassium Sulfate and Magnesium Sulfate 2 times a week, CaCO3 and NaHCO3 added if needed.
Substrate: pumice stone, lignite coal, fert. clay balls, Hagen black sand.
A routine of a 50% water change every week,CO2 pressure controlled by pH changes.

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