#3: 325L Aquatic Garden Drowning In A Sea Of Love

Christoph Hoeffel Siebeldingen, Germany


Your tank looks healthy and bright but it lacks balance. I'd lose the Eleocharis vivipara to start with. I have yet to see this plant used in a way that it adds anything positive to an aquascape. It usually just looks messy.
— Karen Randall
As simple as it is I personaly think is a lovely planted tank!
the plants are overgrown and thats what make your design special your plants are begining to reach for the ligth and one third of the back is coverd by floating Riccia. find the balanse and your tank will look much better.
— Luis Navarro
There is a good feeling over this layout but I would try to cut back some of the floating branches in the middle in order to provide a feeling of a ray of light coming through.
— Ole Pedersen

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 130 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Drowning In A Sea Of Love
Volume 325L
Background Eleocharis vivipara - black foil behind the glass.
Lighting 3x T5 - 54W
Filtration 2 filters: Eheim 2329 & Eheim II 2128,
(carbon, sponges, etc...)
Plants Juncus repens
Vesicularia Dubyana
Vasicularia Spec. Christmasmoos
Eleocharis acicularis
Eleocharis parvula
Eleocharis vivipara
Riccia fluitans spec.
Animals Caridina japonica, Neocaridina denticulata (red cherry), Garra mullya, Neocaridina spez., Otocinclus macrospilus, Otocinclus spec., Otocinclus sp. "peru", Crossocheilus siamensis, Neritina zebra, Trigonostigma hengli (WF, hoyden), Paracheirodon simulans
Materials ADA Amazonia, ADA Special Sand, some rocks,
some woods pieces...
Additional Information CO2 2KG, Lilly Pipe, ADA EDA, Ferrakton, Python Git

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