Dimensions 170 × 65 × 65 cm
Title Deepest Love
Volume 680L
Background Do it yourself, artificial rock application.
Lighting 72 Watts fluoresent lighting. 10 hours/day.
Filtration Eheim 2028 For Mechanical filtration. Eheim 2036 Echo for biological filtration. Two powerhead used for circulation purposes.
Plants Valnisneria Sp. Anubias, Crypt. Aponogetifolia
Animals 12 Cyathopharynx furcifer Kigoma, 12 Cyprichromis leptosoma "Utinta", 5 Ophthalmotilapia nasuta gold, 5 Xenotilapia Flavipinis Isanga
Materials DIY Background and natural rocks composed on the sand substrate.
Additional Information I do belive that; tanganyikans were safe and pretty happy within the planting environment. Their breeding and growing was excellent due to
5-10 ppm nitrat conditions with the help of plants.