#25: 54L Biotope Aquascape Little Tanganyka

Piotr Suty Warszawa, Poland

Awards and Comments

Third Place
This is a good attempt but there is something about the snail shells that makes it look "artificial" to me. Nevertheless it is a beautiful little tank that should fit in almost anywhere.
— Ole Pedersen
I enjoy the look of this tank and how it blends in your living room. The beauty of these fish is the behaivor and I am sure that they get all the attention. The rocks are nice and the tank is well maintained! good job!
— Luis Navarro
Attractive but a little "stark" looking. I like the nice shape of the rocks but would like to see a little more of the depth of the tank used.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Little Tanganyka
Volume 54L
Lighting 2x20W
Filtration Eheim classic 2213
Animals 10-Neolamprologus multifasciatus;snails
Materials lime rocks
Additional Information 20% water change weekly.

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