Dimensions 100 × 40 × 70 cm
Title double deck
Volume 280L
Background no back ground
Lighting no artificial lighting, it is near the window and I have have one hour of sun in the end of the day.
grow light at night for the guests.
Filtration biological filtration. I only found out about the deadline for registration today. This is an old photo, I will send good photos to be replaced, the palludarium is much nicer now, the trees are full of leaves now.
Plants dry:ferns,mosses, baby palm heart trees,other baby trees,etc, I collect them in the jungles around the botanical gardens where I live. I also planted climbing plants that climb the fake trees.
wet: anubias nana, amazonensis, sagitaria,jawa moss,
Animals one stone fish, one gar fish , one archer fish,a water snake, (helicopis ?)and small fish for feeding the carnivorous crowd.
Materials The palludarium has a platform in the water level with jawa moss, annubias nana, mosses, baby palm heart trees, etc. It also has two suspended platforms, a waterfall going down to the water and a fog machine.
Additional Information I only found out about the dead line for registration today, this old photo is terrible. The palludarium is very beautiful now, the tree is full of leaves, I will send new photos as well as 15 dollars by registered mail.