#105: 375L Aquatic Garden The balance of elements

Victor Tavares Pinto Vale de Cambra, Portugal


I like your hardscape your foreground planting and your use of decorative sand. Unfortunately the two dense columns of Rotala are very distracting and break up the flow of the eye around the tank. You don't have much to do to make this a really exceptional aquascape!
— Karen Randall
There are a lot of very interesting parts to this layout. I find more the longer I look at it.

I think the substrate could have benefited from some more sloping from front to back. This would have created some depth that this layout lacks.
— Jason Baliban
Nice use of wood and rocks. The moss needs to be pruned and the Rotala needs to be shaped.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 cm
Title The balance of elements
Volume 375L
Lighting 3 x 70w HQI - 5400K
Filtration 70L sump with 2x Eheim 1250 Pump
Plants 1 - Rotala rotundifolia
2 - Vesicularia dubyana
3 - Blyxa Japonica
4 - Glossostigma elatinoides
5 - Lilaeopsis
6 - Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba
7 - Limnophila aromatica
8 - Ludwigia arcuata
9 - Cryptocoryne wendtii green
10 - Echinodorus Tenelus
11 - Cyperus helferi
12 - Fissidens fontanus
Animals Hemigrammus bleheri
Iriatherina werneri
Macrotocinclus affinis - otocinclus
Neocaridina heteropoda var. Red
Corydoras hastatus
Lda25 parotocinclus jumbo
Otocinclus negro
celestichthys margaritatus
Trigonostigma heteromorpha
Neritina Natalensis
Microrasbora erythromicron
Materials Substrate - Flourite 35kg
Rocks -
Red wood
Additional Information PMDD + PO4
seashem Iron
Seachem Flourish
CO2 6kg with reactor

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