#85: 370L Aquatic Garden The romance of The Three Kingdoms

Dongliang Miao Suzhou, China


Nice use of open space. I like the way the driftwood lifts the Microsorum up off the bottom. The Glossostigma either needs to be grown in better or removed. Right now it's not adding much. The stem plants in the back need another trimming or two to develop into nice full bushes.
— Karen Randall
The name is very fitting for this layout. Very enchanting layout.
— Jason Baliban
Interesting use of wood and rockwork. The Java fern covered wood is striking and unique. The large rock on the right does not quite fit into the flow of the tank. Good job!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 40 × 55 cm
Title The romance of The Three Kingdoms
Volume 370L
Lighting T8 FL 36 Watt X 4 (10hrs daily)
Filtration Outer FilterX1 1200L/H
Plants (1)Rotala rotundifolia ''colorata''红宫廷(凯罗小圆叶)
(2)Riccardia chamedryfolia珊瑚莫丝
(3)Bilbitis heudelottii 黑木蕨
(4)Microsorium pteropus 细叶铁皇冠
(5)Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine'菲律宾铁皇冠
(6)Glossostigma elatinoides矮珍珠
(7)Glossostigma elatinoides莎草
(8)Rotala rotundifolia var.gontin宫廷草
(9)Ludwigia brevipes细叶水丁香(大红梅)
(10)Ludwigia palustrisXrepens.丁香叶底红
(11)Taxiphyllum barbieri爪哇莫丝
(12)Vesicularia antipyetica南美三角莫丝
(13)Vallisneria nana 澳洲水兰
Animals Inpaichthys kerri,兰帝灯
Papilochromis ramirezi, 荷兰凤凰
Otocinclus affinis,小精灵

Materials ADA Amazonia, ADA Bright Sand
Additional Information (English edition)Power of nature is infinite - it a miracle that lifeless stumps show her unique charm, piece of her body become a carrier of new life with exuberant vitality no matter on land or under water.

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