#137: 121L Aquatic Garden Laurentides



Very attractive tank with a pretty delicate selection of plants. The left side is stronger than the right which could be improved by the use of some lighter plants or rock to break up the solid mass of dark colored moss.
— Karen Randall
Nicely proportioned layout.
— Jason Baliban
Very pretty tank. A little selective pruning of the moss in the midground will add definition to the tank. Also replace Hemianthus with another plant that will add color and contrast.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 30 × 45 cm
Title Laurentides
Volume 121L
Lighting 2x30w 6500°K neon bulbs
Filtration Internal filter 400 l/h
Plants 1 Fontinalis antipyretica - 2 Plagiomnium affine - 3 Taxiphyllum sp. - 4 Pellia endiviifolia - 5 Monosolenium tenerum - 6 Hemianthus micranthemoides - 7 Taxiphyllum alternans - 8 Vesicularia ferriei - 9 Fissidens nobilis - 10 Vesicularia reticulata - 11 Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"
Animals Rasbora espei (16) - Rasbora brigittae (8) - Neocaridina denticulata sinensis "Red Cherry" (?)

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