#150: 620L Biotope Aquascape Wild Green Japura Discus

Christos Pollatos Athens, Greece


This is a discus biotope at its best. Simple elegant and effective.
— Phil Edwards
Very nice biotope.
— Karen Randall
Very nice tank! The discus look great and probably like the close representation of their habitat. The only thing I would suggest is add dritfwood that hasn't been cut and is more branchy than what appears to be Asian driftwood.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 55 × 75 cm
Title Wild Green Japura Discus
Volume 620L
Lighting T5 2X54W
Filtration Samp 250 litre, 30litre siporax 30 litre blue sponge
Animals 8 Wild Green Discus . 7 mesonauta festivus .9 corydoras Sterbai
Materials Sand, Redmoorwood , driftwood

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