#44: 120L Aquatic Garden Oshún

Jordi Pelegrí barcelona, Spain


Beautifully maintained layout. The plant health is outstanding as well as the cleanliness of the rocks. The mixture of textures is very pleasing.
— Jason Baliban
Lovely rockwork and foreground. The background planting is a little overwhelming however. Something a little lighter and not quite so compact might be a better choice.
— Karen Randall
Beautiful rich and healthy tank. The foreground of the tank is very nicely done but the Hemianthus are both overpowering. Good job.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 30 × 40 cm
Title Oshún
Volume 120L
Background black one
Lighting 2x 36w 6500º
2x36 w 5400º
Filtration Jbl profi 500
Canutillos cerámicos, arlita,
esponja y perlón
Plants Ludwigia Arcuata, Ludwigia Brevipes, hemiantus micramentoides, micranthemum umbrosum, pogostemosn helferi, , Staurogyne sp., Hemianthus callitrichoides.
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi
Otocinclus affinis
Neocaridina Heteropoda
Caridina Multidentada
Materials Akadama, dragon stones.
Additional Information KNO3 1 mg/l day
K2PO4 0,5 mg/l day
KSO4 1,5 mg/l day

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