#8: 115L Aquatic Garden Amazônia do Brazil

Max Rubens Breda Sorocaba, Brazil


The cave effect is a unique approach. I am not in love with the placement of the plants but I do enjoy the "feel" of this layout.
— Jason Baliban
I like the "cave" feeling but the moss is quite overgrown. The aquascape might also be improved by a little more variation in leaf size and texture.
— Karen Randall
Very interesting cave effect you have made with this aquascape. The moss needs to be pruned and the plants in the back do not really fit into this aquascape.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 70 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Amazônia do Brazil
Volume 115L
Lighting lamps osran skywite 8000Kelvins to 24watts and 01 lamps to 6.500kelvins 20 watts
Filtration Filter DIY
Plants Eleocharis minima, myrophylum Tuberculum,vesicularia dulbiana,Ludwigia Arcuata,Microsorum windlov,Eriocaulon Sp,Echinodorus Tenellus amano,Cryptocorine Lutea, cryptocorine Wendtii,echinodorus Tenellus .
Animals 10 Hyphessobrycon Calistus, 15 Paracheirodon axelrodi, 05 Algae eater (Chinês).01 Nematobrycon palmeri.
Materials Substrate Amazônia Mbreda, Natural Trunk, root , sand white.

Additional Information fertilization week to 5ml Macronutri-1, Micronutri-2 and fe2+ Mbreda, Substrate Especial Amazônia Mbreda, Co2 cilinder.

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