Dimensions 91 × 46 × 38 cm
Title Rainforest pond
Volume 159L
Background Black fabric
Lighting 4 Sylvania Daylight fluocompact 13 Watts
Filtration AquaClear 20 Power Filter - 110 V
AquaClear 70 Power Filter - 110 V
Plants Limnobium laevigatum
Animals Corydoras Paleatus (10);
Farlowella acus (Common Twig Catfish) (1);
Paracheirodon axelrodi (Cardinal Tetra) (12);
Black Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) (9).
Materials Substrate: river sand;
Oak branches and leaves;
In the depths of the Amazonian forests, there is thousands of ponds of acid water. These biotopes are unique and their existence depends on big floods which take place twice a year. These waters are rich in wet acids, they turn the water black. Trees, fragments and floating plants hide the light.
Additional Information Sera Florena (once a week) (plant fertilizer)