#49: 360L Aquatic Garden The Sunset in the mountain forest

Dariusz Dymowski Warsaw, Poland


I definitely appreciate the vision to this aquascape of seeing a mountain through the trees but the execution on the trees hinders the effect. I think the wood may be too big.
— Kris Weinhold
I like your planting very much and if you were going to use the vertical stick theme I like that you chose pieces of wood with some heft to them. I'm not sure about the rocks in the back however. I understand that you were trying to create an illusion of depth looking through to the mountains. But the pieces of rock are so knife-sharp that they don't look like real mountains.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title The Sunset in the mountain forest
Volume 360L
Background white wall
Lighting 6x 54W t5
Filtration Eheim 2226
Plants Stem plants, hydrocothyle japan, taiwan moss
Animals rasbora, cardina japonica
Materials Iron wood, some stones
Additional Information FERKA line,
Ferka Aquabase
Ferka Stemma
Ferka Rosetta
Ferka Balance K
Ferka Balannce N
Ferka Aquatilizer
Ferka Aquashade
ADA Amazonia
Aquatic Nature Pro-Soil

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