#301: 240L Biotope Aquascape South American Biotope

Tiago Rocha Loures, Portugal


While your wood is appropriate for this biotope and the fish might be found together you have then included plants from another continent! Why?!?!
— Karen Randall
If it weren't for plants from the wrong location I would say this is a great biotope aquarium. The selection of fish and hardscape work well together and the design is quite nice.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 40 × 50 cm
Title South American Biotope
Volume 240L
Background black cardboard
Lighting 2x38W
Filtration Resun 1200L/H

Plants Nymphaea zenkeri
Anubia nana var. Petit

Animals 19x Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis
9x Corydora Habrosus Wild
2x Apistogramma bitaeniata sp. "Rio ampiyacu" Wild
6x Pterophyllum scalare sp. "Rio Nanay" Wild
4x Nannacara taenia
2x L306

Materials Red Wood Mor
Additional Information silica sand
No fertilization

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