#603: 240L Biotope Aquascape Lagoa Dourada

Paulo Cesar Ferreira Ponta Grossa, Brazil


We could not find verification of either these fish or the plants being found in the exact same area and the maker has given us no corroboration for his choices. We have given him the benefit of the doubt and allowed this tank to remain in the biotope category. That said the tank is also arranged more as an "aquascape" than as a strict biotope. Very pretty but less representative of a natural space than other tanks in the category.
— Karen Randall
Let's check with Scott here. The species appear to be appropriate but I'm not sure if they would cohabit in nature. Also this is another example of biotope species selection using Aquatic Gardening design principles. The single or couple stems of a few species (Echiornia and Polygonum especially) detract quite a bit. I would prefer to see larger stands of a couple species. I've rarely almost to the point of never seen a single stem or sparse group of stems of something growing amidst a thick stand of other species in nature.
— Phil Edwards
Hi I can't say for sure that all of these fish species do occur in Rio Tibagi. If I have time I can plug them in to fishbase.org and see if they show detailed info on thier natural range.
— Scott Dowd

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 40 × 50 cm
Title Lagoa Dourada
Volume 240L
Lighting 3 PL 36w
Filtration cannister
Plants Ceratophyllum demersum
Utricularia foliosa
Myriophyllum aquática
Polygonum sp
Eichornia azurea
Ludwigia sp
Animals Hemigrammus sp
Bryconamericus iheringii
Geophagus brasilienses
Corydoras ehrhardti
Corydoras paleatus
Phalloceros sp
Materials Troncos rochas e plantas coletadas em lagos formados pelo Rio Tibagi em Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brasil.
Additional Information Areia do Rio

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