#204: 15000L Aquatic Garden Same planet, different world

judy prajitno putra Serpong, Indonesia


Good layout but I think anubias should be a bit smaller. It causes a imbalance as the top part of tree is less dense than the bottom part. Nice Altums. good job.
— Kam Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 400 × 200 × 150 cm
Title Same planet, different world
Volume 15000L
Background White color no background lighting
Lighting LED lighting 1500 pcs LED bulbs, this aquarium is an outdoor aquascape.
Filtration biological and mechanical filtration with UV lights system.
Plants Anubias nana 'barteri', Anubias nana 'petite', Anubias nan 'nana', Anubias nana 'mini', Anubias barteri 'coffeefolia', Bucephalandra sp, Crinum calanistratum, Microsorum pteropus 'windelov'
Animals Pterophyllum altum x42, Carinotetraodon travancoricus x50, Botia macracantha x5, Crossocheilus siamensis x10, Puntius denisonii x50.
Materials substrate: dennerle; rocks: river rocks; driftwood: santigi.
Additional Information using only CO2 supply.

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