I hope we see more real Dutch style tanks in this category in the future and fewer tanks that clearly don't belong here. We only have a very few that even come close to meeting the criteria for a Dutch scape this year. Please read the rules for next year or enter the "Aquatic Garden" category instead!
— Karen Randall
A fresh new category in this contest with the ultimate goal to promote spread and maintain the Dutch Style of aquascaping.
But just like when we put a new aquarium plant in our tanks a new category needs the best attention possible and in some cases a lot of patience to get the result we all would like.
Unfortunately this year a lot of tanks had to be disqualified because they did not belong in the Dutch Style category.
The remaining tanks however are a nice and promising start of this new category.
Hopefully with a lot of attention and encouragement we can make this flourish just like the rest of the categories in this contest.
— Marco Aukes
Very cool category back to the roots of planted aquariums. So it is a category for plant lovers...and I am still a aquatic plant lover ;)
— Oliver Knott
You will probably notice that a number of tanks were disqualified in the Biotope and Dutch style categories. These tanks were pre-judged by a panel of experts and it was determined that these aquascapes did not meet the criteria set forth in the rules of the contest. The contest committee dislikes disqualifying any tank from the contest. However given the number of tanks and the clearly stated rules we felt compelled to take these routes. If there are questions regarding the reasons for disqualifying the tanks please feel free to contact one of our judges or members of our contest committee.
But just like when we put a new aquarium plant in our tanks a new category needs the best attention possible and in some cases a lot of patience to get the result we all would like.
Unfortunately this year a lot of tanks had to be disqualified because they did not belong in the Dutch Style category.
The remaining tanks however are a nice and promising start of this new category.
Hopefully with a lot of attention and encouragement we can make this flourish just like the rest of the categories in this contest.
number of tanks were disqualified in the Biotope and Dutch style categories.
These tanks were pre-judged by a panel of experts and it was determined that these
aquascapes did not meet the criteria set forth in the rules of the
contest. The contest committee dislikes disqualifying any tank from
the contest. However given the number of tanks and the clearly stated
rules we felt compelled to take these routes. If there are questions
regarding the reasons for disqualifying the tanks please feel free to
contact one of our judges or members of our contest committee.