#229: 432L Aquatic Garden Regeneration

Olivier Thebaud Clisson, France


Beautiful Wood and rock layout. Just don't like the single Aponogeton and just one more pruning of mosses to make more bushy for a better picture. My choice of fish would be a school of Rummynose! Great effort.
— Kam Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 60 cm
Title Regeneration
Volume 432L
Lighting 6x54w
Filtration Hagen G6 x2
Plants (1) Microsorum sp trident, (2) Eleocharis vivipara, (3) Vesicularia sp, (4) Anubias var petite, (5) Anubias barteri nana sp, (6) Cryptocroyne retrospiralis, (7) Aponogeton madagascariensis, (8) Cyperus helferi, (9) Marsilea Hirsuta, (10) Cryptocoryne pygmaea,
(11) Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, (12) Hemianthus micranthémoides, (13) Potamogeton sp,
(14) Aponogeton ulvaceus, (15) Bolbitis heudelotii
Animals Stiphodons Atropurpureus, Stiphodon Percnopterygonius, Poropanchax normani, Puntius Titteya
Caridina Cantonensis black, Caridina Hummel, Heteropoda Sakura, Caridina Multidentata
Materials Aquasoil New Amazonia ADA, La Plata Sand, s & big, Mekong sand
Additional Information Easylife: Profito/Kalium/Nitro/Fosfo

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