#308: 117L Paludarium 溪谷迷踪

刘勇 Fuzhou, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Beautiful well-developed emersed planting. the water section seems very secondary though. We really can't see what's going on in that area but it doesn't look like much.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 130 × 30 × 110 cm
Title 溪谷迷踪
Volume 117L
Background 泡沫仿岩石背景板
Lighting 水族箱摆放在阳台,利用阳光照明。
4*40W LED射灯观赏使用
Filtration 一个迷你小水泵在水族箱内循环。

Plants 霸王巨蒂,松萝,休士顿,姬凤梨,积水凤梨,铜骨铁线蕨,石菖蒲,三角莫斯,迷你矮珍珠,天湖葵,红宫廷,水榕,细叶铁,黑木蕨。
Animals 原生溪鱼,黑壳虾
Materials 寿山石,沉木,杜鹃根,藤
Additional Information 水族箱设置了溢流口,自动排水。利用每小时一分钟的喷淋水来完成水族箱的换水工作。

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