#35: 22L Aquatic Garden Antah Barantah

Wendy Kurniawan Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Awards and Comments

First Place
Wonderful sense of depth in this tiny tank. Fun being able to see it from the top!
— Karen Randall
A piece of art in such a small space
— Oliver Knott
Beautiful Rockwork and great depth. Excellent.
— Kam Wong
Awesome perspective and deep!
You play God in just 22 liters and do a perfect job!
— Luca Galarraga

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 35 × 25 × 25 cm
Title Antah Barantah
Volume 22L
Background HVS paper
Lighting High Power LED 7x1W
Filtration Under Gravel Filter via Mini Powerhead; and
Mini Waterfall Filter (HOB) with surface skimmer
Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia;
Fissiden fontanus;
Taxiphyllum alternans;
Vesicularia ferriei
Animals Gambius affinis;
Clithon corona
Materials Silica Sand;
Silty Sandstone
Additional Information Pressurized CO2 1bps

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