#392: 330L Biotope Aquascape Sueños Perdidos

Raquel Payá Vicente Valencia, Spain

Awards and Comments


Please read the rules. Marine tanks in the biotope category MUST be based on marine plants/macro algae.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 60 × 55 cm
Title Sueños Perdidos
Volume 330L
Background sum con skimer 1.000 l/h, reactor de pellets, reactor de calcio.
Lighting 8 x 24 w T5
Filtration Bomba de circulacion 2.000 l/h
Filtracion biologica siporax
Plants Sarcophyton sp.
Lobophyton sp
Protopapilthoa green
Actinodiscus sp
Caulastrea sp
Gorgonia sp
Trachiphillia sp
Animals Antias squamipinnis 4
Zebrasoma flavescens 1
Paracanthurus hepatus 1
Amphiprion clarki 1
Naso lituratus 1
Materials roca viva
Additional Information Aditivos por bomba peristaltica, calcio, magnesio, etc.

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