Dimensions 100 × 50 × 60 cm
Title Rio Abacaxis, shore of the lake Lago Glemende
Volume 300L
Background black foil
Lighting 2 bulb T5 - 39W, 24W (Grolux Sylvania - 8500K ,Philips - 6500 Kelvin)
Filtration EHEIM 2075, Aquarium Systems Maxi-Jet PH 900
Plants Pistia stratiotes, Taxiphyllum barbieri
Animals pair Apistogramma sp. wilhelmi (Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis),few Otocinclus affinis
Materials sand with the smallest grain size, wood gathered from nearby woods - oak, alder cones and oak leaves
Additional Information In Brazil. A lago is a small jungle lake and Lago Glemende is connected to the Rio Abacaxis by a small stream. Streams are often deep and can go hundreds of miles into the forest. In the wider parts the stream creates a hidden lakes, wooded and without perceptible current. The water there is very soft, muddy and has a dark brown color. There is not a lot of plants, mostly fallen leaves, decaying plants and wood. Streams are rather poor in fish. There are a few small tetras and dwarf cichlids.
The fact that the water is not particularly dark in your tank doesn't bother me too much. In my experience the clarity and color of water in these lakes changes seasonally (and sometimes daily) based on water level rain run-off etc.