Dimensions 38 × 18 × 17 cm
Title Grass is Greener on the Other Side?
Volume 189L
Lighting 24" ReefBreeders LED with custom spectrum
4 660nm
6 450nm
4 490nm
20 3500k
14 8000k
3w LEDs
Filtration Wetdry sump setup Tom Barr style with CPR overflow and custom venturi/needle wheel Co2 reactor
Plants Blyxa Japonica
Staurogyne Repens
Pogostemon Helferi
A. Reineckii
Animals Neon Tetra
Celestial Pearl Danio
Empire Gudgeon
Materials Mr. Aqua Soil
Seiryu Stone
Additional Information Victor HPT500 Regulator
Burkert 6011 Solenoid
Fabco NV-55-18